VBT# Stalker, My Love - Zack Scott

Nothing ever exciting happens in the small town of Pine Ridge, however, since they were children, Rhett Calloway has always had a major crush on Rosalyn Ray. Now in their 20's Rosalyn Ray is the popular girl in the town as her family is considered Pine Ridge royalty. One night Rosalyn went out with her friends, and the next morning, the town of Pine Ridge wake up to her best friend and deputy Sheriff Elliott having slept and had sex with Rosalyn's boyfriend Earl and Rosalyn is missing and never returned home. With no clues to Rosalyn's whereabouts, the whole town will be turned upside down, and the number #1 suspect is Rhett Calloway who has been deemed as her Stalker. Now though, it seems that the only one who cares about Rosalyn's whereabouts is Rhett and he will work his way back through that night including discovering that he had lost his virginity and that in a way that will be a major clue in solving the whereabouts of Rosalyn Ray. 
Stalker, My Love by Zack Scott is not exactly a cozy mystery but doesn’t exactly have down and dirty grit. While some characters have anger management issues, others seem to be clinging to reality by a thread.
If you are looking for an untraditional love story where fantasy clashes with reality, and happily ever after seems like an elusive dream, then check out Zack Scott's Stalker, My Love today.



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