VBT# - The Diabolical Miss Hyde - Viola Carr

Review: The Diabolical Miss Hyde - Book #1 Electric Empire - Viola Carr - February 2015

Move over Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde and stories of the past as we make way for a new rendition of the series with Miss Eliza Jekyll set in a Steampunk society of Britian.  Set in Electric London , Eliza is the daughter of the famous Dr. Henry Jekyll and she is a crime investigator for the city with all her funky gadgets and toys. The thing is though that Eliza has a dark secret, an alter-ego if you must call it wanting to come out and explore the world - she is called Lizzie Hyde. Lizzie , is a seductive and wild loose woman and enjoys her men on the side and causing mayhem wherever she goes. There is a serial killer on the loose in Electric London known to the papers as "The Chopper" as he is killing beautiful women and chopping their limbs off with precision and as the lead criminal investigator on the case it is up to Eliza to solve and get to the bottom of it , before more women start to lose their limbs and lives. If solving the case wasn't enough on Eliza's plate , her Lizzie Hyde alter-ego has been causing mayhem and trouble for her and now The Royal Society wants to prove that Eliza is a sorceress and should be sentenced to death , can Eliza hold off using the serum or will Lizzie be too strong and forceful and find another way to come out into public ?
If you are a fan of the classic tale "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" and love reading renditions and spin-offs as well as delving into the world of Steampunk, then check out "The Diabolical Miss Hyde" today.


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