VBT# Fighting Words - Emily Eck


 Review: Fighting Words - Emily Eck - December 2014

When I saw the cover of this book , I was intrigued but thought that it would be another one of those New Adult Romance and then as I started reading my mind flicked to the idea of another music band novel , but as soon as I discovered that there was something different about the main female character I was intrigued. From the first band moment where Sara is vomiting before their big debut - the reader gets the feeling that maybe it's just nerves but then we are faced with her home life and Sara's tears start to pour as the truth is that she has a nasty stutter that only seems to disappear when she is doing the thing she loves most - singing otherwise she is simply "Fighting Words" and in her everyday life prefers people to think of her as a mute as she tries to avoid talking. In Fighting Words we read the affect that her stuttering has on not only her life but those around her. While singing one night, Sara's eyes connect to an Italian/Jewish stranger named Gio Goldstein , he makes Sara forget about her stutter and when she is around him - she feels safe and to her surprise she hardly ever stutters around him. As their relationship deepens Sara falls for him , but what will happen when Sara discovers that his profession is as a Speech therapist and she feels betrayed by him. Can Sara ever fully open up and trust him or will the thought of her stutter and his job make her back away and close herself down once again from the "real world"?
Fighting Words was a really good read and one that made you empathsise what Sara was going through. Fighting Words also readers does contain alot and when I say alot , I mean alot of tears - so be warned.


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