Review: Some Kind of Magic - Theresa Weir

Are you looking for a read that is almost a romance crossed with a Stephen King novel ?
Review: Some Kind of Magic - Theresa Weir - Originally Published 1998 - Reprinted Jan 2012
You know how when you get the Pixel of Ink Catalogues and they have all the free Amazon books of the day and how friends recommend Amazon books and you are like OMG I Have to have that or if you see a book you really want and so you buy it on Amazon and then when you have this long list of stuff on your Amazon Kindle App and you can't remember for the life of you , why you have it or how you got it ? Well, this is what happened with this book as I have literally hundreds of kindle books on my Kindle App.
Some Kind of Magic by Theresa Weir for me was one of those books that I couldn't remember why I got it or how but as soon as I started reading it - I was glad I did as I enjoyed it. Some Kind of Magic is a romance mixed with a bit of voodoo magic topped with a hint of Stephen King's novel Misery- you know the one where the celebrity has the car crash and then the recluse takes him to her house and fixes her up and then the celebrity discovers that the women won't ever let him leave. In Some Kind of Magic we meet Claire Maxfield , an artist who lives in the wop-wops , on her 30th birthday her best friend Olivia gives Claire a Voodoo doll and that same night she finds herself car-jacked by someone on the run. Is this the result of a bit of voodoo magic or something more sinister ? Or has Claire just been in the case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time?
A Fun story which will see a mixture of Love, Romance, Criminal Antics and Magic all rolled into one.
A nice light and easy to read novel that will have you on your toes  as you discover all the different twists and turns the story holds for you the reader.


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