Review: The Winter of Candy Canes - Debbie Viguie

Have you been keeping up-to-date with the Sweet Seasons Reviews by Debbie Viguie ? Today's review is the 3rd book in the quartet and yes I did read them out of order but alas I could not help it as that's the way the library got them in.
The Winter of Candy Canes (Sweet Seasons Novel, A)
Review: The Winter of Candy Canes - Book #3 Sweet Seasons Novel - Debbie Viguie-September 2008
Join Candace Thompson aka Candy this season as she works her 3rd season at the Zone - the town's big amusement park. We have read as Candy spent her first summer selling Cotton Candy, the Fall season selling Candy Corn and the Halloween Maze and in Book #4 she spent her springtime selling Candy Apples and in Book #3 we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas where Candace finds herself the position of Santa's Little Elf giving out Christmas presents and Candy Canes. Discover how Candace ends up once again in the nurses station and becomes for the 2nd time an Urban Legend myth around the park. In Book #3 we also see the crack seeping between the relationship of Kurt and Candace , is she meant to be with him or is the right guy for her Josh ? We also discover how Sue came to be the guardians of her siblings and witness as Candace struggles to find time to do both her job and continue a strong relationship to God. This Winter we also read as Candace's mum takes a job at the Zone selling Eco-Firendly objects and witness the great mother-daughter relationship. With God on Candace's side can she once again handle the pressures of Christmas as well as the stress of being an Elf at the Zone ?
Find out in The Winter of Candy Canes by Debbie Viguie and thus review concludes my final book in the Sweet Seasons Series.


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