Review: Max - James Patterson

Are you a fan of James Patterson's Science-Fiction/ Adventure novels ? Have you read The Lake House and When The Wind Blows and more importantly the spin-off series which have mainly been written for the teen audience whereas the other two were for Adults - The Maximum Ride Series ?  James Patterson decided that the characters individually needed more recognition, so he has written a collection of spin-off's and today's book is about Maximum Ride herself.

                                                   Max (Maximum Ride, Book 5)MAX: A Maximum Ride Novel

                            Review : Maximum Ride : Max - James Patterson - February 2010

Author James Patterson has decided to write a spin-off series of the Maximum Ride Characters and first up is oldest character and the leader of the Pack Maximum aka Max. Max and her team are starting to realise that  being different isn't all too bad as the world is starting to fall at their feet - well some of the world anyway. As we are about to see Max and her team are always on the move as there are those who want them dead or at least pulled apart and tested. In Max we also read of Max's growing affections for Fang and Max's sadness that she encounters when she is reunited with her mother and sister once again. However for the team , being kept safe isn't always an option and unfortunately trouble is attracted to them. As Max's mum has been kidnapped and now it is up to Max and her team to save her -however they will have to go on this mission minus one person and a dog as Nudge decides to take the step further and enrol in school and their dog Total stay behind with Nudge healing his little boo-boo on his tail.
Max is a book that I recommend anyone who has read the Maximum ride series as this is like the next chapter in their lives and Reader's stay tuned as I review Book #2 Fang and Book #3 Angel.


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