An Inspirational Tale

The Walk: A Novel (Walk Series)
We all love and thrive on those inspirational stories , ones of miracles , life-changing experiences , the one's that we read and are like "WOW" That person had guts , I could never do that" . I know, myself personally I love reading these stories. They are always so heartfelt and will leave your heart in an amazing way and if you are like me it is also bound to make you teary in spots.

Review : The Walk - Richard Paul Evans -2010

What if you lost everything , one day you woke up and everything that you had spent your whole lifetime getting together , marrying and earning was gone -just like that ?.
Would you take option A) grab the bottle of pills next to your bed and take your own life or B) take a step back and re-evaluate your life and make a decision that would drastically change your life and the way you lived it ?
Most people in this situation probably would have chosen option A) ending their life as it would have been the easy option, but in the case of Alan Christoffersen in choose Option B) . He decided to sell everything that he had remaining and along with a journal that he called his travel-log take a walk . This wasn't just any walk , this walk was to the most furtherest part of his map "Key West, Florida".
What follows in The Walk, is one man's tale as he meets strangers along the way and how one moment , the domino effect can cause you to make a decision that is so life-changing . The Walk is one man's search for what little hope is left for him in the world.
The Walk is along the lines of stories like "The Pursuit of Happyness" , "Dinner with a Stranger", "The Christmas Box" and "The Shack". In ways, The Walk is the Ultimate Gift of Hope for anyone.


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